
I originally started this blog* with the idea that I’d write a few things about photography as I found something to cover.  Although photography remains an interest of mine, I’ve decided (for now at least) to use this blog as a place to write about a number of interests.  Perhaps that’s not necessarily very blogosphere friendly an it goes against all the rules of social me-jar I suppose where you’re meant to become a focus for one thing.  But that’s not me so…

This will be about (possibly) photography, cars, stereo installs in cars, motorcycles, fiddling and fixing cars and motorcycles, walks, gadgets, doing stuff with network attached storage (NAS) boxes.  And it’ll probably have other stuff as I lose interest in one thing and get interested in another. The blog as been fairly neglected as a) work and life kept me very busy and b) I’m not naturally inclined to do this sort of thing.  But I now find myself with more time so with a bit of luck I’ll follow through on some of these plans 🙂

My background is an engineer by education, a career in IT and I’m now looking at learning and doing more new things.  I’ll possibly add more about some of that if there’s anything worthwhile to say. I’m in the UK (sometimes in France).

*Actually I was partly prompted to create this after buying a battery for my Nikon, I wanted to check if it was genuine.  That was harder than I thought and so I created this blog to provide a resource for others.

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